Creating An Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP)

Aviation Safety Action Program

What is the goal of an Aviation Safety Action Program?

The purpose of the Aviation Safety Action Program is to enhance aviation safety through the prevention of incidents and accidents. The program encourages voluntary reporting of safety issues and events that are brought to the attention of participating air carriers, repair stations and other certificate holders. The goal is to identify potential precursors to accidents so these threats can be corrected and eliminated. 

Who is eligible to create an ASAP? 

  • Operators under Part 23,91,125, 133, 135, 137, 141 and 145.
  • Pilots.
  • Mechanics.
  • Dispatchers.
  • Ground Personnel.
  • Schedulers.

What are the benefits of an ASAP?

An ASAP encourages a proactive, positive safety culture which provides critical safety information to everyone who participates in the operation of an aviation company. Knowing that there won’t be discipline from the FAA makes it easier for all employees to come forward and share what they have done, heard, or seen. 

What events are reportable?

  • Deviations from procedures and policies.
  • Regulation non-compliance.
  • Operational deficiencies.
  • Unusual events.

What events are generally not accepted?

Of course, an ASAP does not give a free pass to those who intentionally disregard the rules and regulations. The following is a list of safety events that are not covered by the non punitive nature of “accepted” safety reports. These include Incidents involving: 

  • Alcohol.
  • Criminal activity.
  • Substance abuse.
  • Controlled substances.
  • Intentional non-compliance.
  • Intentional falsification of records.
  • Reckless conduct.

Why operators should consider adding an ASAP?

The philosophy behind an aviation safety action program is to be proactive with safety concerns before they become problematic. Getting the whole company thinking about safety (without fear of punishment) will pay off in more ways than can be imagined. Ultimately, giving all participants access to valuable safety information that might otherwise be out of reach will help to quickly resolve safety issues and keep your operation accident and incident free. 

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